24 November 2018

Moon Moods

I think part of the process towards integration is recognising triggers. It’s been a noticeable while since there has been a full moon that has interrupted my mood.

It honestly took a while to recognise that it can been heightened time. I could have been going along in a pretty good space only to seemingly out of the blue have a few flat days that knocked the wind out of me. It would only be afterwards that I would track back and realise that it had been on during that time. After a few separate times of this happening I started to follow and track the phases of the moon. So that when the full moon was approaching I could be mindful of it.

This year seems to have also had in conjunction a number of special moons: super moons, blood moons and eclipses that have had people flocking in droves when the observatory telescopes have been available overnight. So the publicity around these also helped to highlight when the full moon was approaching.

It is well known that our public services like hospitals and police will attest that ‘more’ things and incidents occur during the full moon. For me and I guess many people with sensitivity it has become a time to recognise that I need to enhance my self care around the 3-5 days around the full moon. I recognise that I need to avoid dense heavy or heated situations in this time. I can find it harder to have a full nights sleep. It’s not a great time for major things to be happening at work or at home. It’s not a good time for big conversations or confrontations. It is also a time when I need to be outside in nature more, particularly for an evening walk to soak up the light from the full moon.

I find that anticipating and then going out into the rays of the full moon allow me to take stock of the rhythm and cycles of nature. By doing so, I work with the moon, rather than let the moon sway my mood. And if I do become more sensitive during this time that’s also ok.  It’s a sign that I’m more connected with nature and that is ok with me.

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